Edward Jenny Music:Blues in the Key of Peace

CD Cover

Key of Peace

Blues and jazz influenced arrangements and guitar work, using acoustic guitar on several of the tracks helps keep the character more down to earth. We appreciate your continued support of our efforts. Cheers, Edward and Sabra Jenny

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CD Info

Artist Name: Edward Jenny
Record Label: Sunforest-Waterwahl
UPC: 804551303692
Release Date: 12/12/2012
Primary Genre: Jazz
Secondary Genre: Easy Listening
Primary Subgenre: Smooth Jazz
Secondary Subgenre: Instrumental Pop
Mood/Style Type: Instrumental

iTunes/Apple Music

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© - Edward Jenny / Sunforest-Waterwahl (804551303692)



Track Samples -Free Stream/Downloads

1. Analog Blues in a Digital World 3:37

9. White Crow Blues 3:30


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 Apple Music





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